Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Selfie Stick Review!

Hey everyone!

I love using selfie sticks to capture fun pictures and memories. They are really handy, and although they get a bad rep and some people make fun of them, i actually enjoy using them! So, i'll be telling you my thoughts on this selfie stick by Aggressive products today. 

Here is the box that the selfie stick and its accessories comes in! Nothing much else to say about that, its just a regular box haha!

& here is what it actually looks like, without any of the attachments on or anything! Of course i choose to get the pink one, but you can also get it in black if you wish. I really love the color of this though! At the top there is a place for you to attach a camera, and a way for you to adjust it so it bends. It has a nice rubber grip as well. 

It also has a bluetooth shutter button, which comes in handy! You could also put your phone on a timer if you don't wanna mess with the bluetooth features. 

This is what the bottom looks like. It has a micro usb port, so you can charge it and also a on off switch. You only would need to turn it on if you are using bluetooth! 

Here are all of the other little things that it came with. It came with a micro usb cord, a random orange pice that i never use, and a attachment you can put on so it will hold a phone. I love that it comes with that attachment, because its much easier these days to just take your pictures on your phone! 

& there is what the attachment for your phone looks like on the selfie stick! As you can see in the second picture, that is the what it looks like if you bend it to get a better angle. 

Finally, this is what it looks like if you fully extend it! As you can see, you'll be able to fit a lot in a picture if you fully extend the stick! I really love the pictures that I'm able to take by using this. It makes taking group pictures much easier. If you want to get a picture with something in the background using one of these is also a great way to do that! I love using this for taking selfies, basically! Its really fun and easy to use.

I honestly have nothing bad to say about this. It works just as you would expect it too, there is really nothing to critique about it! So if you're looking for a selfie stick for a upcoming vacation, or just to use for fun this is a great one. You can purchase it here on Amazon for about $15. 

I hope that you all enjoyed this review. Please let me know if you have any other questions about this product or if you have any requests for what you'd like to see on the blog! Have a great day everyone!


**I was sent this product for free in exchange for my HONEST review! 

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